Ottery St Mary

Silver Band


Ottery St Mary Silver Band based in the heart of East Devon are a progressive, friendly entertainment band always seeking to provide our audiences with varied and popular music.


EngagementsContact Us

Want to join the band?

We are always keen to welcome new players so if you are interested in joining a friendly and established band please contact Malcolm on 01404 234330.

Summer 2022

Summer Evening Concerts

Listen to band in the beautiful surroundings of Sidmouth Connaught Gardens. Starting June 2025, see our engagements page for other dates! 

1st March 2025 charity concert in Ottery St Mary Church

The Silver Band will be performing a concert at the church on Saturday 1st March, helping to raise money for our Shine a Light Project. Drinks will be served from 7pm with the concert starting at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 at or buy on the door.

About Us

Led by musical director Sally Bull the players vary in age from 11 to “much older” and come from a variety of backgrounds.

The band is availible for a variety of events such as fetes, arranged concerts, charity events, carnivals, church events, christmas concerts etc etc.

Currently we rehearse at “Escot Village Hall, Gosford Lane, Taleford, EX11 1NE ” near Ottery St Mary on a Thursday evening between 1930 and 2130. There is also a training band (Brass Class) that rehearse in the Old Band Room in Ottery St Mary on a Monday evening between 1930 and 2030.

We are continually seeking new players and currently have a number of vacancies, if you are interested in coming to a practice night you would be made very welcome, for further information please contact us

Latest News

Summer Concert in Sidmouth Connaught Garden 25th July

The concert will start at 7.45pm. The band will be joined by Paul Hiley who is standing in for Joe on percussion. Paul has a lot of experience on percussion having played for the BBC Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London...

Brass Class Concert 20th July 2019

Well done to all those who played in the amazing OSMSB Brass Class concert on the 20th of July, you were brilliant, especially those who performed their solos, duets and trios so very well. The concert was amazing and that is all down to Gail Denning and her...

Sidmouth Summer Concerts

Summer concerts start this week on Thursday evening "30th May" at 7.45pm in Sidmouth's stunning Connaught Gardens. Have a look at our engagements page for further dates through the summer.