




1. Introduction 

  1. The adoption of this policy should be seen as a clear message from The Ottery St Mary Silver Band (“OSMSB”or  “the Band”) that it will ensure all necessary steps are taken to protect from harm, all young and vulnerable people who participate in brass playing at all levels. 
  1. This policy applies to all employees, playing members and other volunteers, including musical directors, teachers/tutors and committee members, as well as any other paid staff or sessional workers on behalf of OSMSB. 
  1. Some individuals may actively seek employment or voluntary work with children or other vulnerable people in order to harm them. OSMSB is committed to adopting policies and procedures so that everyone involved accepts their responsibilities to safeguard  those persons from harm and abuse. This means following procedures to protect  them and to report any concerns about their welfare to appropriate authorities. 
  1. For the avoidance of doubt all policies and procedures refer to vulnerable adults as well as to children. 

2. Policy Statement 

OSMSB is committed to:-

  1. Making the welfare of young and vulnerable people paramount 
  1. Ensuring opportunities for all young and vulnerable people, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity and to enable them to participate in brass banding in an enjoyable and safe environment. 
  1. Taking all reasonable steps to protect young and vulnerable people from harm, discrimination and degrading treatment and to respect their rights, wishes and feelings. 
  1. Taking action swiftly and appropriately with regard to all suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse. 
  1. Working in partnership with, young and vulnerable  people, parents, carers and other agencies to promote their welfare. 

3. Good Practice, Poor Practice and Abuse 

To provide young and vulnerable people with the best possible experience and opportunities in brass banding everyone must operate within an accepted ethical framework and demonstrate exemplary behaviour. Not only will this allow brass banding to make a positive contribution to the development of young or vulnerable members of the OSMSB and safeguard their welfare, but it also protects all personnel from the risk of false allegations of abuse or poor practice. 

It is not always easy to distinguish poor practice from abuse, whether intentional or accidental. It is not therefore the responsibility of members  or participants in the Band to make judgements about whether or not abuse is taking place. It is, however, their responsibility to identify poor practice and potential abuse and to act if they have concerns about the welfare of a young or vulnerable person. The sections below are not intended to be definitive or conclusive but will help you identify what is meant by good practice, poor practice and abuse. 


Where circumstances  arise where it is impractical to avoid any of the situations mentioned in paragraph 3 above  they should only occur with the full knowledge and consent of someone in charge in the organisation and the young or vulnerable person’s  parent or carer. 

If, during your care of a child, you accidentally hurt them, the child seems distressed in any manner, appears to be sexually aroused by your actions, or misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done, report any such incidents as soon as possible to another colleague and make a brief written note of it. The Band Safeguarding Officer will ensure that parents are informed of the incident where appropriate. 

4. Procedures to implement DBS checks 

The Band members who need to be vetted are all persons (including non-member helpers) who will have significant access to young or vulnerable persons, and as directed  by the Committee.  The Band Safeguarding Officer will keep a record of all such people and ensure that they have been vetted through the DBS. 

5. How this Policy impacts on OSMSB 

OSMSB has a thriving training band, whose members are predominantly under the age of 18 years. Some members of the senior Band may also be under 18 years of age. Illness or other factors may also make a person vulnerable – not always in a way which is immediately obvious.

All adult members of OSMSB have responsibility for the safety and protection of any young or vulnerable people who are members of the Band, and should therefore ensure that they follow the good practice outlined in this document which, if followed,  also provides protection to members against any allegations relating to poor practice or safeguarding  issues. 

Paid staff and volunteers will be provided with additional information to assist them in understanding signs of abuse, or that young or vulnerable persons are at risk and may be asked to attend training. 

No Band member is to teach or coach any young or vulnerable person on behalf of the Band without prior agreement of the committee and appropriate checks being made. Any such member will need to complete a DBS check. OSMSB will ensure that, during any individual tuition and coaching undertaken with a young or vulnerable person in the course of a Band session, an additional adult ( preferably a parent, or a carer) will also be present. 

OSMSB will ensure that appropriate vetting, including DBS checks, are carried out for everyone involved in training Band members under 18, including tutors and conductors whether paid or volunteers. 

If any member takes on the tuition/coaching of a young or vulnerable person in a private capacity, it must be made clear that they are not working on behalf of the Band, and this must not take place during band rehearsal times. 

If a young or vulnerable person attends rehearsals or engagements, responsibility for that person must rest ultimately with the parents or carers. Whilst Band members will observe the OSMSB Safeguarding Policy and procedures, parents or carers  are welcome to remain on site and to satisfy themselves that the young or vulnerable person for whom they have responsibility is safe and their welfare needs met.


In compliance with the recommendations of Brass Bands England, the committee of OSMSB has appointed a Safeguarding  Officer to advise on compliance with the procedures in the protection policy. The Safeguarding  Officer will have the primary responsibility to check that everyone who has significant access to young or vulnerable people within the Band is suitable for that role, has been vetted and a DBS check carried out where appropriate. The Safeguarding  Officer should also undergo the vetting/DBS procedure.

The Safeguarding  Officer should not be a co-ordinator, tutor or conductor of any OSMSB youth or training band and will act as a focal point for reporting any concerns about poor practice or concern that a child has been placed at risk. 

Details of the Band’s Safeguarding Officer including contact details can be found on the Band’s website www.otterystmarysilverband/

Note: Legal Framework 

This Policy has been drawn up on the basis of law and guidance that seeks to protect children: 

Children Act, 1989 and 2004 

United Convention of the Rights of the Child, 1991 

Data Protection Act, 1998 

Sexual Offences Act, 2004 

Protection of Freedom Act, 2012 

Devon County Council Child Protection Procedures. 

Brass Bands England Safeguarding Advice and Guidance 

A copy of the Child and Vulnerable Members Safeguarding  Policy and Procedures will be available to all via the Band website:, and copies will be available on request through Committee Members or the Safeguarding  Officer.


OSMSB will undertake to review and update, if necessary, this Policy and any associated guidance documents on at least an annual basis.